Fowler Jr./Sr. High School Athletics
Football Field Access & Parking - Aug 2024
FB Gameday Access & Parking

Football Gameday Access & Parking has changed some this year. Please follow these guidelines anytime you attend a game at FHS - Varsity, JV, Junior High, or Rec!

• All spectators should enter the football field at the South Entrance from W. Grant Ave near the North Gym.

• Spectator Parking is available in the lot south of the North Gym OR on either side of the school building on the south side of W. Grant Ave. Please do not park in residential or private properties.

The entrance/access from W. Eugene Ave is closed to all cars and pedestrians.

• The ‘Reclamation Area’ project is ongoing. This area is OFF-LIMITS AT ALL TIMES.

• Gameday Restrooms are now located on the south side of the Concession Stand building.

These procedures apply to ALL GAMES AT ALL LEVELS at Vibber Field - High School Varsity & JV, Junior High, & Rec Department!

Thank you for your cooperation!